The Worst Introduction You’ve Ever Read

I haven’t blogged for about ten years.  I think the last real “blogging” I did was on Xanga, and before that, Free Open Diary.  I outgrew it after a few years of saying things that, if I ran for president one day, would come back to bite me in the ass.  I wish I could say the absurdity of something called an ‘open diary’ finally hit me around college but nay, I just switched formats. MySpace and Facebook became the continuation of the popularity contests and ego boosts I craved in high school (and they made it easier!).  I’d like to think I’ve put all that attention whoring aside now that I’m almost 30.  Maybe I can actually contribute something to the world without being a black hole that people throw their time into like so many shaved dollar bills at a stripper’s face.

With that said, let me humble myself further.  Most of the things I’ve done console-wise were on the backs of others in the community who did the hardest work first.    Some things are original, but many came as a result of stalking forums and learning from others.  Once upon a time there was a startup console mods forum called “Underground Console Mods” that I was a part of.  It was a magical place where you could share ideas and ask questions without getting flamed by some stickler out to prove to the entire community that he is god and you are his own personal penis pump.  They shut down, and I kind of lost interest in console modding for awhile.  I couldn’t break into the popularity machine of the other forums enough for anyone to answer any of my questions or listen to any ideas I had, so the passion flamed out.  It was rekindled when I met a friend IRL with the same interest in classic gaming and electronics (The fact that I’m now an adult with a real career and extra cash doesn’t hurt either).  He’s got some great executions of original ideas and other projects on his blog here:

One more thing; I’ve got an accredited engineering degree from a University, but I don’t know jack about a lot of things.  Engineers forget a lot of the things they learn in school when they go on to specialize in their career field.  I know electronics pretty well, but factoids about this system or that component escape me often.  I’m not here to pump myself up in any way.  I’m going to try my best to make sure the things I say are accurate.  Most of the time I’ve had first hand experience with the things I will be blogging about, but I do tend to dispense BS regularly when I haven’t researched something thoroughly enough.  I’m not going to flame you if you ask questions, and I will answer questions if asked (and will ask some myself).  I can take constructive criticism too.  So here goes my slightly-more-than-half-assed attempt at contributing to the community and documenting the things I try.